3,000+ successful students

Experience the Difference

In Just 7 Days

Detox the modern american diet. Fuel your body the way it was meant to be. You'll feel like a new person after the first week. Guaranteed.

Detox the modern american diet. Fuel your body the way it was meant to be. You'll feel like a new person after the first week. Guaranteed.

Rated 4.9/5 from 323 Reviews

Animal Based Code

Animal Based Code


Detox From Processed Poison

Take Back Your Health

Burn Fat WITHOUT Going Hungry

Reduce Chronic Inflammation

Increase Energy & Mental Clarity

Effective for both Men & Women

Detox from artificial & processed poison

Eat real food that you'll love

Feel better. Think clearer. Enjoy living.

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This is not a book. It's an step by step guide designed to get you to take action and do the animal based diet in the most effective way possible.

But calling it a diet doesn't do it justice. This is a lifestyle. Diet's come and go, they are not sustainable, and don't create long term change that you can stick to and enjoy.

This will be:

  • Enjoyable - you will be eating a wide range of delicious foods.

  • Easy - you aren't going to have to worry about counting calories, going hungry, feeling unsatisfied by what you're eating.

  • Effective - you are fueling your body properly, with nutrient rich foods that your body NEEDS.

You are going to rapidly see a night and day difference. If you are on the modern American diet, your body is running on a substantial amount of artificial ingredients like chemical dyes and seed oils, as well as pesticides and plastics.

When you remove this poison from your diet, and replace it with real and nourishing ingredients, you are able to experience your body at its full potential.

What benefits to look for:

  • Weight loss - the foods you will be eating are nutrient rich and highly satiating. You wont ever have to feel hunger, weakness, or fatigue on this diet. While still developing a leaner physique.

  • Energy & Focus - Most Americans are micronutrient deficient. The free meal plan thats included with the Animal Based Cleanse book is micronutrient balanced. You will be getting all of the vitamins and nutrients you need. Pair that with the fact that you've removed the poison slowing your body down, results in drastic changes in energy, focus, mental clarity.

  • Reduced Inflammation - Get ready for headaches, acne, body aches, fatigue, brain fog, and an array of other symptoms to become a thing of the past.

Effective for both Men & Women

Detox from artificial & processed poison

Eat real food that you'll love

Feel better. Think clearer. Enjoy living.

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